The flag of Saint George was waved proudly in Gravesham and Dartford as some of the biggest celebrations in England to mark the day of the Patron Saint of England took place in North Kent. Over 1250 school children took part in parades through the respective town centres which were aligned with members of the public waving their flags and encouraging the children taking part in the parade. Despite the poor weather members of the public were keen to show their support and celebrate Saint George’s Day.
The parades also involved live music including the Premier Brass Band, the Big Fish Arts Group and the Cultural Beats Dhol Drummers. Both parades climaxed with a performance by Big Fish around Saint George and the slaying of the dragon.
The Gravesham event took place in the morning and finished in the Community Square where the crowds were addressed by the Mayor of Gravesham Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi who thanked the children and the community groups who took part and highlighted the importance of celebrating events like Saint George’s Day. The celebrations in Dartford climaxed at the Band Stand in Central Park where the Mayor of Dartford Eddy Lampkin congratulated everyone who took part and thanked everyone involved in pulling the event together.
Gurvinder Sandher the Director of Kent Equality Cohesion Council who organised the celebrations said “I was overwhelmed with the positive feedback that we received not only from those taking part but also members of the public who I spoke to. I believe that it is important for communities to come together and celebrate events like Saint George’s Day and I would like to thank our partners Cohesion Plus, Gravesham Borough Council, Dartford Borough Council and Arts Council England for sharing our vision and helping us make it come a reality. Next year I am keen to expand beyond Gravesham and Dartford to other parts of Kent.”
Click here to view a video of the Dartford celebrations.